Deveykus - Divine Inspiration Study Program

For the first time, we are offering a home study programme designed to teach the theoretical foundations of Deveykus – Divine Inspiration and how to develop and practice it to a high standard.  It is taught by leading Kabbalist in their field whom shown very strong abilities in this area.  It is a unique opportunity to gain a comprehensive understanding of Deveykus – Divine Inspiration from a highly experienced Kabbalist in the comfort of your own home or no matter where in the world you live.

The programme is spread over 4 modules and provides over 40 hours of detailed tuition.  It will benefit those at all levels from beginner to advanced.  Each module comprises


  • 5 video classes from which will give you highly comprehensive understanding of the theory of Deveykus – Divine Inspiration
  • 5 tutorials to accompany each video to provide further practical applications of the teachings and related exercises and answer questions asked in relation to each video.
  • Access to a Closed Online Practice Group for purchasers.


Module 1

Foundation of Deveykus - Divine Inspiration


Module 2

Mechanics of Deveykus - Divine Inspiration


Module 3

Working with Deveykus - Divine Inspiration



Foundation of Healing, Inspiration & Trance through Deveykus - Divine Inspiration

The cost of each module is  $260  or you can purchase all 4 Modules at a discounted price of  $960.  The 5 core videos from each module are also available as DVDs for an additional £15 per module plus shipping. 

If you have already purchased some of the videos used in this program, then discounts are available for each video or DVD already purchased.