Pesach-Omer-Shavuot_A Deeper Dimension




On my flight back from Eretz Yisrael, I found myself sitting next to a very curious person who was constantly asking me what I was reading, my philosophies on life, etc. I am sure we all have had a similar experience! Seeing that I was not tremendously interested in pursuing a lengthy conversation, he started introducing himself and explaining to me some of the “work” he and his team were producing. You wouldn’t at all be surprised if I told you that being 11:45 O’clock PM, that I simply fell asleep in the middle of the conversation. Actually, we continued our conversing for nearly four hours!  

I have no intention to keep you for four hours but rather to try to explain to you the very practical relevance of this person’s research on religious Jewish beliefs! 

This person was actually the Head of the Department of Physics in one of the world’s most distinguish Universities. This Physicist explained to be me that he specialized in the realm of Quantum Mechanics. Simply put, this is an intense study of Molecules and Atoms, primarily the sub atomic realm of Photons and Electrons. Even though this study is taught using complicated and extensive mathematical equations, nevertheless he managed to explain it to even a person such as myself, not being extremely literate in mathematics. 

“This ‘New’ Physics, called Quantum Mechanic, is a study of “Matter/Energy” ITSELF. (What we call Tevah/Nature). Most people are not as bold as to ask ‘What is Nature made out of…’ but scientist are! Via extremely modern of the art, sophisticated powerful microscopes, we are able to probe the sub-atomic realm. Combined with our mathematical formulas, it gives us a very concise totality of the fabric of our world and universe.” 

A very powerful statement, but got even more interesting when he said, “We are now further developing the ‘String Theory’ which claims the discovery of alternative dimensions and various states of consciousness all happening at the exact moment!” 

Well that certainly woke me up!  

Now don’t get me wrong I am not in the habit of conversing with lunatics but since he did show me his credentials, this took away my very strong suspicions. The truth is that many of these ‘new scientific discoveries’ are really ancient Jewish Concepts.  

 PesachOmerShavuot Experience 

Let us now take the subject of PesachOmerShavuot as our discussion and look at them in a new light or ‘dimension’ to hopefully get a deeper understanding of our avodah during this special days. 

PesachThe 130 years of Adam HaRishon 

The Gemarah in Eruvin daf 18b states that Adam HaRishon separated from him wife, for one hundred and thirty years. During which time he experienced an involuntary hotzot of shichvat zerah. The Arizal in Shaar Kavanotderush alef of Pesach explains that these tipahs very extremely holy but were encased in a thick kelipah of Tumah. In order to rectify these “lost” tipahs or Neshamas, than a process of Gilgulim was initiated. The D’or HaMabul miserably failed, worsening the situation and were subsequently destroyed.  

The D’or HaFlagah made a better attempt but also failed resulting in further tumah and they were subsequently dispersed. The final attempt was the D’or of Shibud Mitzrayim. The sefarim hakedoshim  

explain that it is therefore understandable why that generation had received such a harsh decree even though they had not deserved it. Rather it was simply a purification process by which to remove this thick layer tumah surrounding these holy Neshamas. 

Refining Gold 

An example of this process is likened to refining gold. When it is extracted from the earth in its raw state, it is very impure and needs various extensive cleansing stages to make it sellable. The excess dirt must be removed, all non-gold metallic substances must be carefully chipped away to make it 100% genuine gold, followed by a comprehensive washing and polishing procedure to bring it up to marketable standards. That is what the D’or of Shibud Mitzrayim had to endure in order to complete the rectification process of Adam HaRishon’s holy Nishamahs. 

‘Parallel’ Universes 

As we are all familiar with the physical facts of what happened in Mitzrayim, let us then discussion the simultaneous happenings in the ‘parallel’ Universes. Firstly we will need to know a little of how they are constructed. We have two pesukim, one in the Torah and one in Tehilim 

In Bereishit (1,27) it states;  וַיִבְרָא אלקים את האדם בצלמו, בצלם אלקים ברא אתו 

David HaMelech in Tehilim also teaches us;   

מבשרי אחזי אלוֹקַ 

613 Parts 

The Sefarim explain to us that these pesukim are to teach us that the upper worlds can really to be understood in the framework of a person’s body! In the same way we have 613 parts to our bodies so does the upper worlds. (No surprise that the only way to connect to the Ribono shel Olam is via the Torah HaKedosha which also has 613 mitzvot!) So in essence we are actually fashioned after this spiritual form called Elokim or Adam Kadmon.  

Forces of Good and Evil 

One more important piece of information we have is that there are two very real and strong forces which are prevalent both ‘here’ and ‘there’ and they are the forces of good and evil or rather kedusha and tumah. Where ever you find one you will find the other. Better put, the entire existence and power status of tumah is dependent solely on its success to conquer the kedusha! This is its life source and life’s mission! 

Da’at of Adam HaRishon 

The Sefarim also explain that these ‘lost Neshamas’ originated in the Da’at of Adam HaRishon, since no action can take place without the precursor of thought. In the higher Worlds this would translate in a very elevated area of kedusha since the Da’at or ‘mind’ is physically higher than the other parts of the body.  

Evil forces in the Upper Realms 

During the terrible enslavement of B’nai Yisrael where they were being taken over and constricted, the exact things were transpiring in the upper spiritual realms. The equivalent ‘evil forces’ were conquering Adam Kadmon, our spiritual roots. This tremendous amount of kedusha, which the Mitzrim managed to absorb, led them to becoming the greatest World power of their days!  

Direct Intervention of HaKadosh Barouch Hu 

Seeing the hopelessness of the situation, HaKadosh Barouch Hu, constricted the Adam Kadmon to a third of its size in order to prevent any further infiltration of the koach of RahLater when the time had arrived for the B’nai Yisrael to leave Mitzrayim he reinstated the full length and force of the Adam Kadmon which automatically expelled any koach hatumah forces residing there. Down on earth this manifested itself as  

the ten plagues that the Mitzrim received. This action freed the B’nai Yisrael and finally allowed them to leave Mitzrayim. 

The Omer Challenge 

As Chazal explain, the onward journey through the desert would be a process of removing or uplifting themselves from the 49 levels of tumah to the 49th level of kedusha. Now the question is, if HaKadosh Barouch Hu took us out of Mitzrayim by restoring the original ‘state’ of the Adam HaKadmon, why should we have to have ‘regained’ this state again if we already were given it?  

The answer can be understood by a simple example. Mr Blogshteen a once to be multi millionaire was now faced with near bankruptcy. No hope in sight, his once upon a time successful business and all his precious real estate, including his own home, were now at risk of being repossessed by his bank. Then suddenly a very wealthy individual fronts the money and pulls Mr Blogshteen out of the brinks of bankruptcy.  Finally being able to breathe a sigh of relief, the benefactor than turns to him and tells him that this was only a short term loan and that he was expecting repayment in 50 days!  

It is true that HaKadosh Barouch Hu saved us from the powerful grips of the Mitzrim, nevertheless this was only a temporary ‘gift’ and our ‘job’ was to regain this ultimate state of kedusha on our own! This is the ‘work’ during the Omer. In this world it is the transformation of bad middas to perfected ones. In the upper realms this converts to the completion of the ‘Primordial Man’, our own Tzelem (reflection) in Shamayim. As you have probably noticed, this is what we see in our siddurim as we count the OmerChesed shebe Chesed, Gevurah shebe Chesed, Tifert shebe Chesed, etc…. all of which are the building blocks of our own roots of existence in these upper realms. (Nevertheless now is not the time or place to discuss in detail how this is done.)  

The Shavuot Experience 

Following this tremendous journey though the midbar and the intense ‘work’ in perfecting ourselves, we are now on our way to the kabalat HaTorah experience. This Shavuot experience is the culminating factor or middah of Keter! On the 50th day, which we do not count, it is given to us as a gift for the ‘work’ we have done. Midah keneged midah will dictate the amount of shefah one will receive during this period. The Sefarim Hakedoshim explain that the Torah is likened to light and B’nai Yisrael as receptacles to receive this light. This long refining process of 49 days culminates in our ‘receptacles’ being filled with the light of the Torah! 

We should all be worthy to be the perfect ‘receptacles’ to receive the kedushat HaTorah in its entirety and thereby ushering in the משיח צידקינו במהירה בימינו