Foreseeing such a hopeless battle, our great Sages instituted a formal text that would save all of Kal Yisroel. This text is known as what we call Tefilla. It would pave the way for future generations, helping them find utopia even in a world of chaos, confusion and even despair. Chazal knowing the true source of blessing and success and the way to attain them, thus composed a timeless text of Tefilla which would contain everyone’s hopes, aspirations, desires and true needs. The intention being that via this text one would be able uplift himself to higher spiritual sphere and thereby attaching oneself to the source of all blessings, the Ribono shel Olom. 

In the days of Tena’im people were familiar with the correct means by which one successfully completes this process nevertheless as the generations became weaker the more challenges faced them, The holy ‘Men of the Great Assembly’ thus instituted a formal text which upon recitation would automatically raise these ‘holy sparks of lights.’You may be asking yourself, can it really be possible for someone in this vibrant generation to sense spiritualism? Is it really possible to find utopia in our present world? The answer is yes! The answer is through Tefilla one can raise oneself high above this material world and actually grasp sensations of the spiritual worlds above us. 

The Gemora in Shabbat states that this world was created imperfect in order to give man the great honour of becoming a partner with HaShem Yisborach. Our limud haTorah, mitzvos, and ma’asim tovim, all achieve this very goal of rectifying this imperfect world. Included in this list is Tefilla. Our great Kabbalists have divulged to us that we do not simply pray three times a day but we pronounce a potent Tefilla by which one manipulated and influences various spiritual spheres in order to accomplish this rectification and by doing so becomes a partner with HaShem Yisborach in the creation of this world. Our Institution will explain to you the process by which this is achieved according to our great masters the Arizal and the Rashash HaKadosh.